
Garden Maintenance in Minneapolis 1024 683 Landcraft

Garden Maintenance in Minneapolis

Garden Maintenance in Minneapolis, MN with LandCraft Wanna know some secrets to a weedless Garden? Is it possible to have a weed free garden? YES! Stop Tilling Lots of the weeding problems faced by gardeners are from overworking the soil. Mulch, Mulch And More Mulch In The Garden Mulching the garden the right way is one of the…

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Signs of Spring in Minnesota 768 1024 Landcraft

Signs of Spring in Minnesota

    CONTACT LANDCRAFT Landcraft is your local Minneapolis Urban Landscaping company that can work with your budget and give you options on how to give you the front yard you have been dreaming about.  Contact us to learn more about us and to get a quote on your next backyard project. EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: 612-834-8481…

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Minneapolis Organic Lawn Care 576 576 Landcraft

Minneapolis Organic Lawn Care

Minneapolis Organic Lawn Care SUMAGREEN – ORGANIC FERTILIZATION SEED IT, GROW IT, MOW IT No more worrying about the kids playing on the grass after using SumaGreen Turf.  No more worrying that your two year old or pet is eating the grass and the chemicals going into their body from the fertilizer you applied that week.…

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Professional Landscaping Minneapolis 1024 576 Landcraft

Professional Landscaping Minneapolis

Professional Landscaping Minneapolis Leave it to the Professionals at LandCraft We like to keep our footprint small and concentrate on urban landscape’s. Revitalizing the soils and introducing some native plants back into the urban setting. Raingardens and dry creek beds are one of our specialties, as well as reusing existing materials.   CONTACT LANDCRAFT Landcraft…

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Spring Clean up – Lawn Care in Minneapolis, MN 1024 683 Landcraft

Spring Clean up – Lawn Care in Minneapolis, MN

Spring Clean up – Lawn Care in Minneapolis, MN Spring is in the air and LandCraft is ready to get your lawn cleaned up! Spring Clean up is important part of taking care of your lawn for the seasons to come here in Minneapolis, MN. Your Quick Spring Clean up Check List SPRING CLEAN UP…

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Lawn and Garden – Management and Maintenance 1024 719 Landcraft

Lawn and Garden – Management and Maintenance

Lawn and Garden – Management and Maintenance in Minneapolis, MN SERVICE YOU CAN COUNT ON. LandCraft is dedicated to providing you with a design, installation, and garden maintenance plan that is unique to your time and tastes. Our first priority is to provide timely service, prompt answers to any of our client’s questions, and listen…

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Landscape Design Minneapolis 1024 693 Landcraft

Landscape Design Minneapolis

Landscape Design Minneapolis, MN LandCraft is your local landscape design business in Minneapolis, MN. No matter how big or small the project, we can help design your landscape based off of your needs and your lawns needs. LandCraft is dedicated to providing you with a design, installation, and garden maintenance plan that is unique to…

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Book your 2020 Spring Projects Now! 576 576 Landcraft

Book your 2020 Spring Projects Now!

Book your 2020 Spring Projects Are you looking to design your Urbanscape in Minneapolis, MN this spring? Customize and design your landscape in Minneapolis with LandCraft.  Not only do we customize to your needs, but we also customize plants to your landscape.  Based on your needs and your landscapes needs we find a balance between…

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Plants that Survive Winters in Minnesota 1024 683 Landcraft

Plants that Survive Winters in Minnesota

Plants That Survive Winters in Minnesota It is that time of year when the holidays are ending and a New Year is here and we are ready for winter to be over and springtime to be here in Minnesota.  The thoughts of seeing your yard or outdoor landscape in color when the sun is shining…

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Winter Container Planters in Minnesota 700 960 Landcraft

Winter Container Planters in Minnesota

Add some holiday cheer to your outdoor patio with a custom container planter with LandCraft #ContainerPlanter #Winter #Landscape #Design #Minneapolis #Minnesota It is fun to celebrate with designing your seasonal container planters.  Add color, texture, hardy plants, and seasonal cuttings to your landscape design this winter. Here are some Hardy Plants that we love to work with: HARDY PLANTS…

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