Container Plantings

Summer Blossoms – Container Planters 770 1024 Landcraft

Summer Blossoms – Container Planters

Spring is in the Air – Landscape Design 768 1024 Landcraft

Spring is in the Air – Landscape Design

Outdoor Planters in Twin Cities, MN 983 1024 Landcraft

Outdoor Planters in Twin Cities, MN

Seasonal Container Planters in the Twin Cities, MN 1024 804 Landcraft

Seasonal Container Planters in the Twin Cities, MN

Custom Container Planters 768 1024 Landcraft

Custom Container Planters

Add Curb Appeal in Winter 842 1024 Landcraft

Add Curb Appeal in Winter

Custom Seasonal Container Planters in Minneapolis, MN 720 960 Landcraft

Custom Seasonal Container Planters in Minneapolis, MN

Container Planters in Minneapolis, MN 767 1024 Landcraft

Container Planters in Minneapolis, MN

Inside for the Season – Indoor Plants 768 1024 Landcraft

Inside for the Season – Indoor Plants

Container Planters in Minneapolis, MN 1024 1012 Landcraft

Container Planters in Minneapolis, MN

Container Sizes

Small: 8”-12” ……………………………………………………………………………..$100

One centerpiece plant – example: a grass, a fern or a small trellis (6” – 8” plant size)

Two trailers – plants flowing down side of container (4.75” plant sizes)

Three middle flower power – plants to fill-in rest of container (4.75” plant sizes)

Fertilizing, planting, container placement & clean-up

Medium: 12”-24” ……………………………………………………………………………..$155

One centerpiece plant – a trellis, a canna or an elephant ear (10” to 12” plant size)

Four trailers – plants flowing down side of container (4.75” plant sizes)

Six middle flower power – plants to fill-in rest of container (4.75” plant sizes)

Fertilizing, planting, container placement & clean-up

Large: 24”-36” ……………………………………………………………………………..$265

One centerpiece plant – a owering tree, a large vine or a conifer (5 gallon plant size)

Eight trailers – plants flowing down side of container (4.75” plant sizes)

Six middle flower power – plants to fill-in rest of container (4.75” plant sizes)

Fertilizing, planting, container placement & clean-up

* Additional cost for containers, soil,and pest control application

Custom Winter Container ……………………………………………………………………………..Request Quote

Customized Container Maintenance

Option of once or twice per month maintenance visit.

Each visit will include pruning, grooming, deadheading, organic fertilizing, & pest management.

Once a month visit: $75

Twice a month visit: $110

Container Plantings

Each planting will be customized to the container, sun conditions and surrounding landscape. We offer herbs, succulents, shade, sun, seasonal and themed containers.