
Urban Landscaping in Minneapolis 1024 801 Landcraft

Urban Landscaping in Minneapolis

We love our job and cannot wait to work on your urban landscapes in Minneapolis, MN       LEAVE YOUR LANDSCAPE TO THE PROFESSIONALS AT LANDCRAFT CONTACT LANDCRAFT Landcraft is your local Minneapolis Urban Landscaping company that can work with your budget and give you options on how to give you the backyard you…

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17 Amazing Plants that Repel Mosquitoes Fast 1024 576 Landcraft

17 Amazing Plants that Repel Mosquitoes Fast

It is that time of year in Minnesota, do we dare say the word? Mosquitoes. Design your garden to repel Mosquitoes with LandCraft. We love this article from Tips Bulletin: Plants that Repel Mosquitoes If you have a problem with mosquitoes, there are a variety of plants that are natural mosquito repellents. To get the…

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Organic Fertilization Solution 1024 684 Landcraft

Organic Fertilization Solution

Are you worried about what chemicals you are putting on your lawn? No more worrying about the kids playing on the grass after using SumaGreen Turf. No more worrying that your two year old or pet is eating the grass and the chemicals going into their body from the fertilizer you applied that week. SUMAGREEN…

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Springtime in Minnesota 1024 1024 Landcraft

Springtime in Minnesota

It is finally springtime in Minnesota! We love to see the first signs of spring in Minneapolis, MN.  Check out these photos of early spring and signs of spring in Minnesota.         LEAVE YOUR LANDSCAPE TO THE PROFESSIONALS AT LANDCRAFT CONTACT LANDCRAFT Landcraft is your local Minneapolis Urban Landscaping company that can…

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Sure Signs of Spring in Minnesota! 1024 1024 Landcraft

Sure Signs of Spring in Minnesota!

Sure Signs of Spring in Minnesota! #Spring #Minnesota #LandCraft #Landscape #Minneapolis The seasons are finally changing and it is time for yard and garden clean up and maintenance. Leave it to the professionals at LandCraft in Minneapolis, MN. LEAVE YOUR LANDSCAPE TO THE PROFESSIONALS AT LANDCRAFT CONTACT LANDCRAFT Landcraft is your local Minneapolis Urban Landscaping company that…

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New Client Special 1024 768 Landcraft

New Client Special

Spring is here in Minnesota and we are ready to start on your landscaping projects. New clients get a 10% off discount when they sign up for our Monthly Landscaping Maintenance Plan for 2019. LEAVE YOUR LANDSCAPE TO THE PROFESSIONALS AT LANDCRAFT CONTACT LANDCRAFT Landcraft is your local Minneapolis Urban Landscaping company that can work…

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Minnesota Springtime Q&A 1024 675 Landcraft

Minnesota Springtime Q&A

Spring in Minnesota this year has had a ton of surprises and as we wait for the snow to melt, again, we cannot help but get excited to start planting! We found this article on Southwest Journal that inspired us to share with you! Read more: Annual Vines that will grow quickly: Morning Glories –…

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Now Hiring – Lead Gardener – Minneapolis, MN 920 600 Landcraft

Now Hiring – Lead Gardener – Minneapolis, MN

We are now hiring a lead Gardener  in Minneapolis, MN Join the LandCraft Crew as a Lead Gardener in Minneapolis, MN LANDSCAPE CREW MEMBER Landcraft Landcraft is a referral based business relying on successful relationships to create exceptional urbanscape designs. We are a design build and garden maintenance company based in South Minneapolis. The majority…

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Does Ice Melt Affect Your Landscape? 1024 762 Landcraft

Does Ice Melt Affect Your Landscape?

How does Ice Melt Affect Your Landscape? After all this record breaking winter season in Minneapolis, MN, we cannot help but start to think about how it affects your landscape.  Are you using Ice Melt products on your outdoor walkways?  Have you ever thought about how it affects your lawn? The ice melt chemicals can take…

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Does the snow ruin your landscape? 1024 683 Landcraft

Does the snow ruin your landscape?

Will the snow ruin your landscape? With all the snow Minnesota is getting, there are thoughts about how the snow is affecting your landscape design.  It is true that heavy and wet snow and ice does cause damage to broken branches, but the snow itself will not hurt landscape plants. The truth is, snow is actually a very good insulator against the below…

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